A large portion of electricity demand in the world is delivered by microgrids (MGs). Operation of MGs under the uncertainty of demands and renewable power is a hot research area. As per the literature, in operation of MGs under uncertainty, the coordinated operation of MGs, with consideration of both day-ahead (DA) and real-time (RT) stages has not been investigated in details. In this paper, the operation of an MG with dispatchable generators and wind turbine has been formulated as a two-stage stochastic optimisation problem, wherein DA and RT stages are seen in one shot and DA and RT decision variables are determined in a way that the expected MG operation cost is minimised. In this research, the flexibility resources including fast responsive demands and fast-start distributed generators are used to increase the flexibility of MG and decrease its operation cost. The effect of the flexibility resources on MG operation has been investigated. Fast responsive demands accept scenario-dependent schedule, but slow responsive demands do not. Slow-start generators cannot be started up in any RT scenario, if they are OFF at DA stage, but fast-start generators can.
Keywords: Microgrids; Fast-start generator; Fast demand response; Energy management system; Uncertainty
JCR Impact Factor and WoS quartile: 5,400 - Q1 (2022); 4,800 - Q1 (2023)
DOI reference:
Published on paper: September 2022.
Published on-line: March 2022.
A.R. Jordehi, V. Sohrabi Tabar, S.A. Mansouri, F. Sheidaei, A. Ahmarinejad, S. Pirouzi, Two-stage stochastic programming for scheduling microgrids with high wind penetration including fast demand response providers and fast-start generators. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks. Vol. 31, pp. 100694-1 - 100694-14, September 2022. [Online: March 2022]